Our Connectivity Platform
- The Essence of Our Approach

An Ultrasound Tech holding an Ultrasound device with a monitor behind her

Elevate your imaging enterprise with the Altamont Connectivity Platform.

Our Connectivity Platform affords a unified and modern approach to enterprise medical image management.

Why a connectivity platform is needed

From our vast experience, we found that many of the same problems would arise again and again with existing connectivity applications. These issues include:

Machine by machine installation, configuration, and upgrades are required
Lack of encryption (Security as an afterthought) ran rampant
No centralized audit trails
No centralized logging
Confusing or restrictive license and pricing schemes
Poor integration with EHR

With these issues in mind Altamont has created the Altamont Connectivity Platform to give users the features they deserve and expect from any enterprise level solution.

Platform Features


Ability to create links in the EHR for all uploaded and captured images
Robust and easy to configure HL7, DICOM, FHIR and web services
Launch platform apps with patient context directly from any EHR or PACS


Local MAC based licensing not required
Eliminate the overhead of managing keys
Enable new features through single licensing interface


Strong data encryption for all data at rest, and for any data transmission

User Interfaces

Zero Footprint user interfaces


Single, central location for reviewing HIPAA audit information
IHE standard compliance allows Altamont audit to be used for all enterprise applications
Incidence dashboard flags unusual behaviors


No per-station configuration required
Hardware upgrades or swap without reconfiguration
Enforce local security policies
Standards based LDAP capabilities
Group policies enable application as well as administration access
Technical Support woman with casual crossed arms wearing a headset

Our Subscription Approach Includes Professional Services

Our full suite of connectivity applications, all part of our connectivity platform, are sold solely via a subscription model. This means that installation, troubleshooting, and application support are always included with your subscription.

No hidden or extra fees
No need to contact us when changing licenses.

When you do need help, you will speak with a knowledgeable, level 3 technician every time. In addition, all Altamont service personnel are based in the U.S.

One Powerful Platform, Many Amazing Apps

A full range of connectivity apps available through the Altamont Connectivity Platform which gives users centralized tools to integrate any image into your EMR or other enterprise systems. All apps are zero footprint so you can use them anywhere in the enterprise on any PC or device.